
Like the Queen of England proclaimed in a sad weak voice way back in 1992, 2012 has proven to be my annus horribilis! I pray that 2013 turns out to be my year of joy! While this is the time to look at that 2012 List of Resolutions, ticking off what has been achieved, looking aghast at what you did not even remember you had put on that list, I am choosing today to forget the pain of this year and not make a 2013 List of Resolutions but instead to make my 2012 List of Gratitude: my'God in Action List' which I shall review in quiet celebration as the clocks tick off the old year. Thank-you for this life: not fully understood but being lived. Thank-you for a mind and body that was sound most of the year. Thank-you for keeping me ‘treading water’ with my nose just out of the water; never drowning. Thank-you for my little creole dog Feo, who kept me connected to the world having to take care of his daily needs and who always demanded a display of affectation. Thank-you to...