Homeland love

So I found  this scattered piece on my phone which means, I was probably riding the bus or a maxi-taxi with no pen and paper.    

I was speaking with an elderly woman about the fact that we should not let each other drive drunk, even when we do not know each other.  She responded with "why should I be my brother's keeper?"  She is not the first from whom I have heard a similar statement.  Have you not heard someone say "my child doing well in school so  I don't care what happening in Y school."  "As long as my family safe...". These are the same people who tell you that they are loyal nationals.  Yet is is okay to see man X leave the fete,lime,party take your pick, to drive drunk. You're irritated by the police road block that may just take 'drunk boy' off the road because "hey did they have to slow me down?"  It's okay for Y child not to learn concepts, morality and ethics because those do not form part of his/her school's curricula.  Have you forgotten that this child will meet your precious one at a fete, university, in the stores, at office and may be influenced by same.  It's okay for another family to be unsafe because your hatches are battened down.  You refuse to teach them the skills that could help them .  They are not you.  You aren't like them.  Yet you tell me, " I love my country".

This diatribe may seem trite but we must try to remember that our children learn from us: they learn the good and the bad and do not forget our children are the future of this lovely land of my birth.

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  1. Jin Jin

    Thanks for sharing. It is so important for us to remember to be a sermon instead of talking about one.



  2. Good beginnings! Isolate your theme and decide what type of story you wish to tell. Continue to write as the moment takes you; some gems are produced this way.


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