School Supplies
This year I got a bit involved in assisting a neighbour prepare her kids for school. You see I have an old high school friend of who gets together with her other friends and lends support to children whose parents cannot provide all that is needed to begin the school year.
So they buy and distribute school books, backpacks, school uniforms etc. I praise and thank God for their goodness and kindness. I praise and thank God for the help this great group has given the 2 children who live near me.
I live in a country, Trinidad and Tobago (TnT), where the greater part of the population is of school age, so the things of youth especially their education and rearing plays a prominent part in most of the society’s discussions. Recently, triggered by a conversation and an article on children and school supplies, I asked myself the question “what other school supplies should TnT parents put in the backpacks of our children to ensure success?” I came up with three “supplies.”
1. Courage – encourage our children to remove fear from their equation. Each new school year our children enter a brave new world of exciting learning. For those who may be changing schools as for example, those transitioning from elementary to high school, this new learning may seem daunting. Build their courage through encouraging them to be curious about new things asking questions respectfully. Ask the children in your life what is their understanding of the word courage and discuss right and wrong with them via the word courage. Support them in their efforts to not only fit in but to have the strength to stand up to what they know is right and the strength to say when something is wrong. Teach them to listen to that ‘still small voice’ within. Learning courage now will support them all the days of their lives.
2. A Spirit of Curiosity and Effort – human beings are naturally curious, we love to learn new things. That is why our children’s greatest learning occurs during the formative years when curiosity is at its highest. Over time the business of living often dampens that spirit of curiosity. If we watch a baby learning to walk, we know that he or she has to keep on trying and trying and trying! In other words, it takes great effort to learn and get something right. It does not happen overnight or easily. Parents and all who form part of a child’s life need to keep that light of curiosity and effort shining. What should be done? I don’t have all the answers but certainly having our children involved in activities such as team sports, learning an instrument, charity work, doing chores would lend support to these efforts. Promote their full participation, 100 % effort, in every task they enter; discourage half-heartedness by encouraging involvement of all their senses, putting passion into their activities. Help them to constantly ask, ‘who, what, why, how?’
3. Self-esteem – each day we are bombarded by influences and influencers that do not build the ego in a healthy way. Thus we have a society which speaks to me, myself and I, which more easily speaks to debasement than upliftment. Our young ones, now learning of life and their place in society may be especially vulnerable to the negative thoughts and images that tell them they are not good enough. Inspire them with stories of personal growth through believing in oneself. Help them to identify the ‘garbage’ words and thoughts that must be dumped as soon as they enter the ear and mind. Through situational examples and discussion teach what is worthwhile and what is not worth worrying about. Paying attention to their feelings physically and emotionally in various situations and using simple breathing exercises to slow down the mind and body so that they work towards solution building will help to maintain a strong sense of self. You child has something to offer the world therefore urge him/her to find out what that may be by way of being strong in themselves.
The path can often seem long and hard in school, and on the playground. We adults know that life offers its long and hard road with joyous moments in between. Giving children the supplies that will help them deal with obstacles and create harmonious relationships, which may last a lifetime, has been shown to make the challenges less formidable.
So what do you think? Are these good supplies for children? What would you add to a child’s supplies list?
Thanks for reading!
What you have outlined is very important ... I can't add to it but it is an article to be shared with those of us who get involved one way or another.
ReplyDeleteBe blessed.
ReplyDeleteMy grandma taught me charity in the very practical sense of helping others with simple things...from picking up those who have tripped and fallen and cannot pull themselves to, ...handing out coins every week to those with their arms extended. There is also charity of thought. To Think the best of others....friends or strangers. Too often today, if we have for ourselves, then 'it is later for you' for those who have not. If we walk a mile in someone's else shoes, we will find out where the 'rub' is. Imagine being landed in a strange new country with no friends, family, or roots. How do you interact with other humans? how do you choose with whom to interact? c'est la vie! J
Thanks for adding your "school supply" to the backpack. Charity does indeed begin at home, so we need to teach the children.
DeleteJeanelle Bernard
ReplyDeleteYou could real write. Love your piece. Keep on smiling
Do you blog for the T/T newspapers? If not it's time you do.
ReplyDeleteA well written article. All T/T parents need to read this. They must be involved in their childs positive growth. Teachers can only do but so much.
I do believe if this can be positively accomplished. The T/T child will be the one to bring about change in our rather tarted society.
The book bag and it's school contents am sure are well received. I do hope they are being put to positive use.
Look forward to your next topic.