Wonder Wednesday

I am always in wonder at the fact that while you are going through troubles, life is tooling along, neither looking left nor right!

Going on four (4) years, the world has been in economic crisis, wars are happening in Syria and parts of Africa, some in the Middle East are playing out their negativities using religion as the base.  Recently, Hurricane Sandy wrecked havoc in Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba and devastated the eastern coast of the United States.  Now communities must pick themselves up and re-build.  I wonder which ones will cope, which will not be able to sustain the pressures of starting over?

A city of twenty million (20, 000, 000) has been left in such a state that it looks like the after -effects of a children’s playtime! The impact of this devastation on the world’s third largest city will be felt around the world. Here in the Caribbean the loss of remittances by relatives and family living in New York and environs will sink our economies even more and drag our social systems to even lower depths.  No money brings hunger and hunger demands you find a way to survive and act on it. The wonder of the prediction, shocks, disappoints, and scares my mind into dullness for a second.  Yet will all that I"ve described, life has not stood still; life is still moving along.

I walk outside, day enveloping night, I see Sister Moon shining, silvery-gray and it seems that she is giving me a last cool good-bye, until we meet tonight.  The still air, its hint of chill swiftly being replaced by gentle warmth which wraps itself around me.  The birds have begun their song.  Life is tooling along.  As I course my route, a brilliant blue sky devoid of clouds is above me and as I stare at it, my mind stills in wonder.   An orchid in my possession for more than six (6) years, showing only green leaves for such a long time has bloomed!  

Taken: Oct 31, 2012 in the backyard of Rajnauth Street

What wonder!  Life is tooling along with all its destruction and woes, all its beauty and delights.

Have a great day examining the wonder of this Wednesday!

First bloom.  Taken Oct 31, 2012


  1. Hi,

    Sorry for the late response. Well put together. Where's the BOOK. You need to publish it right now.
    Yes life goes on but we need to remember that we to must pick up and move on. You're right when you state life goes on no matter what. So must we.
    Friend in Arizona, USA.


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