
Showing posts from August, 2013

Label things before storage

Well, I like to drink a tall glass of water before bed.  I don't sleep often well, being awake for hours after I tuck myself in but I find that water cools my insides and I often wake up  with only a few hours of shut-eye but not feeling ill.  Tonight, there was no water in the water jug but there were 2 of bottled water, slightly frozen and I eagerly looked forward to a guzzle.  My first gulp tasted a bit sweet but then again Diego Martin water is really tasty.  After the second gulp, it was still sweet and there was also a warmth in my chest.  It was then I realized that I wasn't drinking was vodka!  Cannot remember why I would fill up a water bottle with alcohol but now I am slightly drunk and I may just have a really good sleep!  LOL!  Have a good night people!