
Happy Birthday Trinidad and Tobago!  Yes, today the nation of Trinidad and Tobago, the land of my birth is 50 years old.

The nation is celebrating its independence looking back at our start and reveling in what we have been able to achieve in establishing the structures of an independent state such as, our own currency, rural electricification, health care, education for all up to and including tertiary education, and a successful gas and chemical industrial estate, Point Lisas.  

Change always means upheaval, some dramatic, as occurred in 1970 and to a lesser extent, 1990 while others subtle, for example, greater cultural integration between the 2 major racial groups.   Rapid change has also meant a bewilderment of our society  reflected  in our changing etiquette, high crime rates, an acceptance of low morality, a rejection of ideas and things that are not new, diminished productivity and innovation and a general  attitude which more times than not,  shows a disregard for each other.

Like all 50 year olds the aches and pains come but we can still square our shoulders, suck in the gut and be proud that we have survived to this age in peace.  I want to believe that we still have time to look at our watchwords of Discipline, Production and Tolerance and re-start the machinery that will bring self-control, take out the corruption, change the mindset of greed, privilege, and entitlement, encourage hard work, instill diligence, make us think big and respect each other.   My love for “this lovely land of my birth”** solidifies my belief in our motto ‘Together we aspire.  Together we achieve’.  It's a long hard journey.  The Journey Now Start

Today is our Jubilee!  It’s celebration time!  Let’s go for the gold!   We are a beautiful people full of pride and with unique looks; our mixture of races, Amerindian, Caucasian, African, Indian, and Chinese has made us a gorgeous looking population.  We are an inventive people who have produced unique products – calypso and its derivatives, limbo, steelpan to name just a few.  We are a country of natural wonders, our Pitch Lake at La Brea, Bucco Reef in Tobago.  We have taken the remnants and made a new garment called Trini, called Awee, called Trinidad and Tobago!  Let us accept Spirit’s peace in our land and say thanks.  


Thank-you  for reading!  Recommend, comment,  on my blog page. 

**Taken from ‘Portrait of Trinidad’ by The Mighty Sniper (Mervyn Hodge) 1965 Calypso King



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