Something Old. Something New

I've been clearing up the house (albeit slowly; not good at it all! LOL) and  in so doing I've found some of my writings going way, way back, long before I joined the writers' group and got tips on various types of writing and ways to do it better.  I plan to publish them on my blog from time to time, simply because I've lost so many due to my penchant to writing when 'the feeling moves me' which could be anywhere, anytime.  My favourite, which I've lost, was written while stuck in traffic but I have also written while talking on the phone, or in a boring meeting, in the prescribed notebook, on the back of somebody's business card, on the plain edge of the newspaper, and of course, I like the old napkin and tissue paper too.

Not too sure how good they are  nevertheless they do express my feelings at the time.   Some are happy, some are angry, some are sexual and some are sexy.  In fact they are some of every emotion.  I've never shared any of these writing previously, being too shy to stand up in front of my group and recite, but I share now.

The untitled poem below, written in my style of spoken word, was created in late 2004, the year my marriage dissolved.  So many gentlemen (I am being courteous) turned up at my door.  How did they know that my marriage was no more?  It was more often  than not, irritating :) and sometimes disappointing :).

The frogs keep hopping in and hopping out.
Ribbit - o' god u sexy
Ribbit - u ever try ATM?
Yes, I always use the bank machine.
Ah put salt on their tails! 
and they start to shrivel up and hop out
But then, this BIG frog dropped in 
More like a crapaud than a frog
Ah didn't 'fraid that!
Ribbit Ribbit - u have a brain
Ribbit, Ribbit - i want to get into your spirit!
Ribbit, Ribbit - I want to be in your life
I want to make you my wife
So I kissed this frog 
And he didn't turn into a handsome prince
but ah dog.

Changed the look of my blog page.  What fun creating it!  They say it's easy-peasy, no, no, no!   In the doing, I've lost my followers and some other interesting stuff, not too sure if the email 'thingee'  will work and in truth, cannot get back my original colour scheme.  LOL!

So take a look and tell me how you like the poetry and the page.

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