
Showing posts from 2013

My Christmas Wish List

                    Hi peeps, It’s only 10 more days for Christmas!  I haven’t been feeling to “Christmasie” this year, not that I feel like the Grinch but the excitement just isn’t there anymore.  There is a nip (22C at night) in the air though that always heralds Christmas in Trinidad and Tobago and this evening, I felt a little, tiny Christmas sensation deep, deep down in my heart.  As I write it’s still tiny but you know what?  It’s there!  Yippee! 

November 29

I am staying home today because this low-grade fever that has been around for 2 weeks is still with me.  My back, fingers, knees, hips and head hurt like the dickens!   I think all this is happening because I am over-tired!  Okay, so it may just be a bit of old age J (sigh) LOL!

Special Sunday

Good morning, Bonjour, Buenos dias, Nzuri asubuhi!  Yes, it is a beautiful morning!  All of me feels energetic and alive and I thank my God for that!  My mind is happy with life! 

November 2, 2013

There are some things that I’ve been trying to do for years and cannot say that success has found me.  No, I am not considering that great job, the house that becomes my home, the man that becomes my man or the family that it is too late to create.  Those are other thoughts to share, maybe.  I am writing about only three things and they are everyday things, almost universal goals, that I find to be profound and rather difficult; praying, journaling and being grateful.  From all my readings and discussions it seems that when these things are done pragmatically, great depths of our soul are reached, even nirvana.  Well, I am not even near!  Or am I?  Perhaps if I stopped thinking that I have to attain these goals according to the definitions or the paths described by others I would be cool with what I am doing in respect of these three.  So in sitting down to think about it and what I know, this is what I found.  I know that I am cons...


Image Sometimes, I sit and simply chuckle at things in my life.  Here it is, in my “old age” men want me!  Me, who for years saw no physical or mental attraction in me.    Heh, it couldn’t get better than this!  Yeh, I think it can.  Now here is the story.  


Add caption My, my, my the US lockdown is affecting me!  I certainly thought that if I had to feel the effects of this federal funding shutdown it would be later; down, the pike, so to speak, when the closure begins to affect the TnT economy.  Here I am on a roll, searching for various perspectives related to the work of my Final Paper AND  the U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is CLOSED FOR BUSINESS! Now I am writing this "tongue in cheek" since I can live without whatever information the NIST has BUT I better understand the plight of the citizenry of the USA.  Somebody needs to close the bank on those folks in the US Senate just as they have closed the bank on the citizens they serve. Heh, remember this blog is always OPEN FOR COMMENTS! Until,

Wonderful Wednesday!

I am so happy that's its Wednesday so much so I am naming it Wonderful Wednesday!   Now I really shouldn't be so happy that the week is almost over because it means that I have less time to write this Final Report but... I'm happy that the work week is almost over! Yippee!

Thoughts on a Tuesday

Image Today is my day to read and write this Final Report and I am doing a little bit of reading, no writing and plenty thinking about things other than the Final Report.  I am worrying about a friend whose cell phones have been turned off for a couple of days, is he okay?  Also wondering why am I so tired, washed my bedsheets this morning and now thinking of you guys  so decided to chat.

I Don't Want to Bore You

I don't want to bore you with me but I love ya, I love you, I looove you!

Coconut Oil

You do get some good things out of bad situations.   I met good people and I have been blessed with no major illnesses.  I also found coconut oil.  I am in love with coconut oil!  When I was growing up I would hear of food cooked with the oil of the coconut and I would smell its rancidity in the hair of some people.  Then as I grew older, there came this mass of marketing that stated that coconut oil was bad.  Lots of cholesterol it would say.  I never believed it because I truly believe that God has put good things in every corner of the world for we human beings to use.  I would sit in child-like wonder and ask myself "why would God put only good things in the northern clime?"  I would conclude that we just did not know about the good things that were indeed right here in my little land of Trinidad and Tobago.  Plus, I could look around Trinidad and see old Indian ladies,in their odanis or as we call it ohrini (my spelling may be inc...


It feels as if my plug has been pulled and I've been powered down.  I cannot figure out what has occurred to make me feel really blue but the fact is that I am down in the dumps.  I want to sit quietly and be held closely.  The telephone ringing, the knock on the door, someone's music blaring so loudly that I can hear every word clearly and the bass notes take my heart out of its regular beat to synchronise with the deep, slow, heavy BOOM...BOOM.  The person asking me to make a decision is taxing my brain.  I cannot listen to one more tale of woe and physical pain.  There it goes again, the cell phone with the same person calling me for the 6th time in a row!  And now it is ringing again with another person whom I have told that I need space but nevertheless has called at least 10 times today and each time I have not answered.  I feel overwhelmed and actually a bit frightened by  all the noise that is coming at me, bombarding me, then withou...

Long Time, No Connect

Hi, Just a few of my thoughts written all over the place - on my laptop, my various sticks, company machine, bits of paper..and the beat goes on.  So take a read to find out where my head has been. Hello, It's been a while since I've written but boy o' boy I have been busy.  Finished my examinations for taught courses in mid-May and went straight into seeking a new place of abode.  After 26 years of calling 30, Rajnauth Street, my home, I've moved!  I feel that I can open a business moving homes.  It was a true test of project management skills especially handling the human factor.  Am still in Diego Martin in a much smaller place and I now live on a hill.  I am sure that I shall have "buns of steel" within three (3) months! I wish to take the time to wish all those potential fathers, fathers and grand-fathers a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! ______________________________________________________________________________    Trinidad is hard! ...

Sunday Morning September 22, 2013

I'm praying for Trinidad and Tobago I'm praying for the Democratic Republic of Congo. I'm praying for Afghanistan. I'm praying for Syria. Now I'm praying for the hostages in Kenya! I'm tired of praying for fighting to stop Dear Father, I am praying for peace.

Hump Day Humour

It's Wednesday and it's hump day! Were at the top, the hump and it is a smooth slide down to Friday and the week-end.  I am so tired that I actually feel sick .  Looking forward to not having to set that alarm come Friday night!  Thought  I'd share another joke. Here's another one from my friend Kath, who said it was sent to her husband by one of his friends.  She is a true Trini - creative mind able to find the humour in everything.  So are you ready for a good belly laugh?  Here goes. I just took a leaflet out of my mailbox telling me I can have sex @ 75. I am so happy, because I live @ # 81, so its not too far to walk home afterwards. And, its on the same side as the road so I don't even have to cross the street. Bwaaah!  Ha! ha! haaah!  Phew!  :)) Until,

To Start The Day Just Right!

Morning, morning, Thanks have been given to God for a good night's rest and a good day at work with everything following His will, now it's time for a couple of laughs.  Opened FaceBook this morning and was greeted by this first one, which comes from my high school mate, Kathryn. Enjoy your day!  Don't forget to pass on the smiles.  Don't forget to share the jokes.  How do you do that?  Just share this page address!  :)) The Subject? "I FISH" After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had been married. On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured. Finally, after allowing this for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and after asking the wife to stand, he embraced and ...

The New Normal

tonight for the first time in probably about 4 years I actually invited a friend out for a drink!  I was so happy when she consented because I do miss her company - all the fun and laughter we have together.  Life has not been easy for her over the past 4 years but it was good to know that she is cleaning up her act and will over time get over her financial difficulties.  Who would have known that in this period of life these challenges would come to greet us. Thank God for friendships! I went out and had a drink, actually I had two drinks and a some nice tapas.   I felt supreme,  to be able to treat a friend to a Friday lime.  Funny how a little thing can make my world so delightful.

Label things before storage

Well, I like to drink a tall glass of water before bed.  I don't sleep often well, being awake for hours after I tuck myself in but I find that water cools my insides and I often wake up  with only a few hours of shut-eye but not feeling ill.  Tonight, there was no water in the water jug but there were 2 of bottled water, slightly frozen and I eagerly looked forward to a guzzle.  My first gulp tasted a bit sweet but then again Diego Martin water is really tasty.  After the second gulp, it was still sweet and there was also a warmth in my chest.  It was then I realized that I wasn't drinking was vodka!  Cannot remember why I would fill up a water bottle with alcohol but now I am slightly drunk and I may just have a really good sleep!  LOL!  Have a good night people!

Monday Memories

Studying for the last exam and the eyes are developing conjunctivitis from all that reading.  The man say that he will only know if we know by testing us on everything!  Chupid, eh?  Three (3) questions, answer three (3).  What will you do?  Well this is what I am doing?  Taking a break reading my Facebook page (yes, I did say the eyes are sore) and laughing at what my friend Kathryn Stollmeyer Wight put up.  I am  reproducing it here and am sure you will have a good laugh too.  It is all in Trini parlance, so if yuh eh understand, find a Trini since we all over de world.  For non-Trinis, I shall repeat.  The piece is in our Trinidad and Tobago parlance, so if you do not understand, find a national of Trinidad and Tobago since we can be found all over the world!  Enjoy, as I go put some cucumber on these eyes! :)))

May 12th - Happy Mother's Day!

I have never felt the excitement and euphoria that others have on Mother’s Day.  I didn't have to make a card or paper flowers in elementary school for a mother.

It's Funny Friday...I'm allowed

U know how 1 ting, 1 ackshun, can mek yuh feel a particular way?  Well today, I put on my old lady panties and ah feelin' old!  You know those panties dat does start at yuh true, true, wais', narrow yuh hips, wrap 'roun' de top of yuh leg and grip de cheeks into one tight ball?  Awful! An' somehow de makin' meh feel like a ole lady!  Ha! Ha!  An' because ah not straight, all de roun'ness of meh body in a different space,snug, snug, snug, like ole ladies use to look when ah was small.  No, no, de ting not too tight cuz I hate tight-fittin' cloze,  a tight shoes, tight pantie, tight bra and tight man (wid he money, ah mean) is not fuh me atall!   Men, do tell me yuh doh know nuttin' bout dat!  Yuh wife does wear dem sometimes, when she have to wear dat skurt dat does fit right on she wais' .  eh, heh, ah see yuh rememberin'.  Well some ah allyuh eh have to 'member cuz yuh pants does be way too tight at times! Some ah allyuh does ha...


Taken from Trinidad Guardian, March 2013  Here is the ad I mentioned in a previous writing.  Hope you can read it (take our the magnifying glass, if you can't).  For me, the advertising firm, Ross Advertising can win the Happiness Award!   I started  internet searching  using the word, happiness,  about 4 years ago  when I was at a low ebb and  boy can you ever find variations on a theme!   Some are seeking to build a better society, while others point to individual happiness. What we perceive as happiness is as varied as all other things God has made. It's interesting, this thing happiness, that we all seek and it seems it comes through the incremental things we do.  For some people it is found in hard work or having money in the bank, the smell of a baby, your pet coming to greet you, standing on a podium giving a speech,liming with the boys, the smell that comes out of the hot earth as the rain beats down, the delight in a...

Merci, Tanks, Grassias

It was so nice to receive responses on my Easter musings!  I really like knowing that you do indeed read and enjoy.    It was especially nice to get the cards.  The love flowed between us...don't you think?

Happiness - The Easter lily

Recently the world celebrated Happiness Day!  I thought that was the best thing since sliced bread.  One of Trinidad and Tobago's leading advertising agencies Ross Advertising put out a great ad seeking a CHO i.e. Chief Happiness Officer.   I will have to scan and display for you.  It is really great and struck a positive note with me.   My potted garden gives me happiness.  This image is from 2013 dry season. Isn't it beautiful?  This year 2013, I got 8 flowers which, while they bloomed, sustained my spirit and giving it hope.    Taken from a garbage heap, lovingly grown and  its beauty well appreciated by me What do you find beautiful and sustaining?  Share please.