A conversation on my life, the people, things and concepts that affect and make me who I am.
Merci, Tanks, Grassias
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It was so nice to receive responses on my Easter musings! I really like knowing that you do indeed read and enjoy. It was especially nice to get the cards. The love flowed between us...don't you think?
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgKA4bytzs30bQOCJZE5hBizGt92AthuB41wVykhXiLWXb6rt7pA "Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." http://us.cdn4.123rf.com/168nwm/jkraft5/jkraft51203/jkraft5120300009/12471146-closeup-of-a-hummingbird-in-flight.jpg ~ Oprah Winfrey h ttps://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2Xh3m5d6Dng4gGGw2AsYPpJWFtfzwASgHn3YPThKkbL92O-P2
Taken from Trinidad Guardian, March 2013 Here is the ad I mentioned in a previous writing. Hope you can read it (take our the magnifying glass, if you can't). For me, the advertising firm, Ross Advertising can win the Happiness Award! I started internet searching using the word, happiness, about 4 years ago when I was at a low ebb and boy can you ever find variations on a theme! Some are seeking to build a better society, while others point to individual happiness. What we perceive as happiness is as varied as all other things God has made. It's interesting, this thing happiness, that we all seek and it seems it comes through the incremental things we do. For some people it is found in hard work or having money in the bank, the smell of a baby, your pet coming to greet you, standing on a podium giving a speech,liming with the boys, the smell that comes out of the hot earth as the rain beats down, the delight in a...
Someone one keeps on asking me, with irritation in here voice, words to the effect, " why do you bother? Why do you feel you have to change the world?" She asked me this months ago and I could not respond. I know my conscious intent isn't to change the world. I do know that whatever knowledge I have I want to impart . I do know I want to make this country, Trinidad and Tobago better. As a matter of fact any country in which I live, I want to give to the fullest. Early one Sunday morning my response formed and I preferred not to answer my friend directly rather, to ease my mind, I wrote my answer on Facebook. Now, I re-print here. _________________________________________________ I talk with everybody. I talk with people on the bus - the older woman who tells me that she has only visited the U.S. once and it sure doesn't touch TnT, the young man whose eyes warm when he speaks of his daughter of 2 years. I discuss...
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