I Don't Want to Bore You
I don't want to bore you with me but I love ya, I love you, I looove you!
That's what started it all. That song drifted into my mind and I had to search for it on YouTube so now I;m sitting here with a grin all over my face, the shoulder that's bring giving pain all day is beginning to relax.
Listening to Stevie Wonder's "Ribbon in the Sky" which brings back memories of youth when I would be sitting at my little desk in my bedroom in St. Augustine listening to the radio with DJ Casey Kasem playing tunes such as this one, while studying on a Sunday afternoon. I still have the desk, you know. Remembering that first Jazz Festival in Tobago, so many years ago. As I laid on a blanket looking upwards, and it seemed like there were millions of stars twinkling in the darkened sky with the the dry earth and grass smelling like hay and Stevie singing. Simple and peaceful. Nothing better.
Now he's singing "My Cherie Amour" bringing back my dreams of some day having someone tell me those words! I would sit on the back steps thinking or talking with my dear friend Tony on the front porch or under a mango tree sharing our plans for the future - studies, jobs, marriage, children. Tony boosting my confidence, eliminating my fears with his logic. O' the teenage years did have some fun times, eh? I am grateful for the delightful protection and a modicum of indulgence I had from my parents.
Stevie is singing " I was made to love her" now. That was the age of ankle socks and pedal pushers, a time before puberty, when the only love I knew was familial. This was the time in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada where streets were lined with maple trees and I climbed those trees, played hopscotch and jumped rope in the school yard, all the while being told by my friend Gail Kelly's father that walking barefooted would give us big feet! Well, I never believed him but I do indeed have big feet. Ha! HA!
I am sure that there are bits of music that bring back oh, such sweet thoughts. Share them on this site for all of us to enjoy. I'm taking Stevie Wonder's medley from YouTube. Enjoy!
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