November 2, 2013

There are some things that I’ve been trying to do for years and cannot say that success has found me.  No, I am not considering that great job, the house that becomes my home, the man that becomes my man or the family that it is too late to create.  Those are other thoughts to share, maybe.  I am writing about only three things and they are everyday things, almost universal goals, that I find to be profound and rather difficult; praying, journaling and being grateful. 

From all my readings and discussions it seems that when these things are done pragmatically, great depths of our soul are reached, even nirvana.  Well, I am not even near!  Or am I?  Perhaps if I stopped thinking that I have to attain these goals according to the definitions or the paths described by others I would be cool with what I am doing in respect of these three.  So in sitting down to think about it and what I know, this is what I found. 

I know that I am constantly talking to God, saying how I feel, and asking for guidance, enlightenment and wisdom.  I know have written each day, every day for a long time and have learnt that my life is pretty much the same, day after day.  So why write about it…it’s boring, therefore I refuse to FEEL in any way about not journaling.  To heck with that one!  Yippee! 

The grateful thing?? Deep down, I know I am grateful but it is just not heating up enough to bubble to the surface and become actualized as less stress, no fear, complete joy, at peace. The fact that I don’t think my gratitude is showing itself tells me that there is a sense of entitlement within.  Yes, as I write here, I do feel that I am justified in my sense of entitlement!  I believe I work hard and yet I am getting nowhere, so that infuriates!  Take for instance, that I work 12 hours a day, am finding it difficult to come home and study since I am tired, but I try, yet none of the rewards I want come my way!  I get angry with myself because I am not at the place where I envisaged my life to be at this stage.  That’s where the entitlement comes from.  I try to show my gratitude through helping others.  Whether it is to share a meal, help someone understand an issue, let someone rant because I can sense that he/she needs to vent, look inferior if it will make someone feel superior (notice I say look because deep down I know that I am not any more inferior than the person next to me), accept another bit of food because it would hurt another’s feelings if I refused (trust me, my cheeks (on both ends), prove that I do not need more food), that is my way of showing the Master that I am grateful. 

I am also beginning to understand, to know gratitude in being able to forgive myself for not knowing how to work SMART, only hard; I am surviving and for that I am grateful.  At the end of each day, I don’t have the time to be grateful.  I am usually so tired that I don’t even know when I fall asleep:  it’s never planned.  The early morn is my time for gratitude, my time to smile with myself, to talk to God in a still sleepy tone, to be happy with my life and that’s the time in which my soul is gratified. 

And so, I shall continue to strive towards these three universal goals – pray, think, act.  

Would you like to share your thoughts on prayer, journaling and gratitude?  I would really like to know.  Let’s start a conversation!

That’s it for November 2, 2013. 



  1. Jeannelle:

    Why do you think that you have to share your thoughts to make them legitimate? Everyone has these concerns in one way or another. However, since we are walking along a road which is only revealed at the point of the next step, it is not possible to look ahead. I have learned to develop a sense of gratefulness for what is. Trust that you will be on the right path and plod along. Somedays, I wonder whether there is time left for the things I want to do, given the way that I feel. I have two choices: I can keep on plodding and look back occasionally and say, things are not that bad for me, or I can throw my hands up and lament. The future is uncertain. All we have is now and today, so I make the most of it.

    1. M,

      The sharing of my thoughts are not to legitimize them to anyone or in any way. My blog is simply about what makes me, me and perhaps there may be others out there who share/understand the issues/ideas I raise. When I spoke about "paths described by others" I am speaking about the marketing schitz we get all the time - weight, beauty, etc. Writing this blog and that particular article was not and is not to get empathy, sympathy or any of the "athys". Glad to know that you are living in the moment!.

  2. Hi J!
    I read your piece with keen interest. I do not keep a life journal. I have always found it difficult to keep a diary except for specific projects. Having said that, I started keeping a spiritual journal three years ago when I began to realize that I was on a spiritual growth path. Looking back over my life, I see that I have always been guided by The Lord but I was not aware of it. I cannot say there was nothing prodding me to pay attention to spirituality. The truth of the matter is that I was inattentive and grossly ignorant.

    Since I started being spiritually aware, I keep a journal in which I record all my dreams and visions in detail. Next to each entry, I write the interpretation or the outcome of what I had seen. I have grown quite adept and accurate at interpreting my visions.
    Another amazing benefit is that my visions have become very accurate. For example, on 31st Oct, I dreamt a friend of mine called Solomon had been given a cheque amounting to P2.3 million. I called him the next day but he was in Durban, South Africa on business and would see me on his return. He came to my house yesterday evening. He told me he owns property in Durban and had gone there to arrange refinancing. The transaction was successful. When I asked him whether he had raised P2.3 million, he was startled and asked me how I knew. I told him about the dream. He went away worried and wondering what else I know.

    This morning, I was in meditative mode and a voice said to me, " Do you believe?" I answered, "Yes, I believe in the Lord Almighty Jehovah, and the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I also believe in his angels, saints, and messengers". Then the voice said, "Wait and watch His Greatness". I said, "Thank you and Amen". This is today's entry. I will do as instructed, "wait and watch the Lord in action". One thing I am absolutely sure of is that the Lord continues to perform miracles today just like He did thousands of years ago.

    I am glad I have been able to share this with you. May The Lord bless you and keep you safe. May you continue to serve Him faithfully and diligently.

    Love always



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