I've been clearing up the house (albeit slowly; not good at it all! LOL) and in so doing I've found some of my writings going way, way back, long before I joined the writers' group and got tips on various types of writing and ways to do it better. I plan to publish them on my blog from time to time, simply because I've lost so many due to my penchant to writing when 'the feeling moves me' which could be anywhere, anytime. My favourite, which I've lost, was written while stuck in traffic but I have also written while talking on the phone, or in a boring meeting, in the prescribed notebook, on the back of somebody's business card, on the plain edge of the newspaper, and of course, I like the old napkin and tissue paper too. Not too sure how good they are nevertheless they do express my feelings at the time. Some are happy, some are angry, some are sexual and some are sexy. In fact they are some of every emotion. I've never shared any of thes...