So yesterday started off with me heading backwards and I decided to share this experience with a few friends via Whatsapp.  Man, did I ever get great comments on how others cope with lousy experiences.  Read the conversations.  Tell me what you think!


Half the day is gone and I'm now greeting you but it's been a busy morning.  I want to share something with you because I know you'll understand and set me straight if the situation demands that.   The thoughts are jumbled but you're my friend, so you'll get it and set me straight!  You see I brought over a bit of pain from yesterday into this new day. That's not a good thing. I forgot that Spirit brings joy each morning and let the pain of the remarks stay.  We Trinis like to make bad heckle and to be honest, I rarely find it to be funny. It can hurt; real bad!  It made me recall a tale told to me last week of the need to detox a child after she spent time with a negative parent.  These pains can last a lifetime!

 I realize that we hurt each other when we can't get what we want. Stop to think whether or not that person can give it to you; the thing you want NOW- time, money, attention, the kind of love you need. 


So this morning I was feeling like these blossoms, a bit bruised but still lovely.  And just writing these words have lifted the dark. 

Think about you regularly send positivity or negativity?  How do you overcome that heckle that has you "smiling but grinding" ( hurting). Talk to me!  Enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. I grew up minding ducks n my mom wud point out to how ducks wud oil themselves for the coming rainfall n stay in the reain n the water wud just hit them n flow off their backs n its in the same vein I deal with heckle as well as DON'T give if u can't TAKE.

  2. Shalom Aleichem my belovedest. May your day be as wonderful as you.

    Teacher wrote on the board, 36x +yx, 2/3yx + 3x (66y+12x)b=0. He turned to Situmbeko and said "Solve the problem." The lazy boy picked the duster, cleaned the board and said, 'problem solved!"

    Some of our problems require such solutions. Just dust it off and move on with life. Never allow anyone to steal your happiness!

  3. Hi J,

    We humans are gifted with Choice and we have not been taught just how powerful that makes us. Think about it...we get to choose our response to Everything and Everyone! This is an on-going lesson for me. When you feel the "sting" just say...Spirit...take that I'm OK .

  4. Hi...good day...heckling is something I do not practice. It is something I do not like because generally it is negative and to some extend design (sic) to hurt. but unfortunately it is something we have to live with...not to mention the people who would not let the incident go.

    I can identify with you that hurt or embarrassment can seep into another day or another year even. According to the situation give yourself time to heal...that has left a wound. Something i learned is that the body and mind and heart can heal itself if we allow it to. Nothing is wrong if you feel hurt...your are human and some things hurt.

    Something was done and said to me 33 years ago and I thought I had over it (sic) but to my surprise I apparently didn't allow myself to be healed of it...that's something for me to work on. You can give yourself time to process everything and see to healing, which would include protecting you as well.

  5. My dear M,

    Yes girlie, the work on our souls is on-going and is destined to make us rise. Go for it!

    1. True...that is not done until the last breath.

  6. Bad day, I am going and going! Meetings set, people not keeping timelines.

    1. I hope you didn't let that steal your joy, my beautiful friend.

  7. Hi Hon,

    Exactly what you're doing rising above it. In addition, pay attention to who is heckling and how often this heckle coming your way. Then politely inform the person that you laughed the first time but the repetition is beginning to feel abusive. Yes, I said it, abusive. Enjoy the rest of the day.

  8. One cannot overcome it (the pain) if one labels it "pain that lasts a lifetime". That statement alone gives the pain energy to remain. Sometimes we can work it out on our own, put it in perspective and leave it in the past. sometime, we need a deeper intervention that will allow us to really understand it and treat with it. We generally tend to know which one.

    With respect to the hurtful heckle culture, you may have to stop them in their tracks and say "Today I am a wee bit thin-skinned so I am unable to cope with that heckle." Ask them to tell you something good, something to build you, not bruise you.

  9. Lovely message hun, I overcome only bu faith that better days are yet to come. Some days are really hard but I don't give up!

  10. Heckling in our country, has gotten out of hand, our people need to reflect on the damage both spiritually & morally how it affects people. We need to teach our children from small; to show emotions that will help them adjust to present situations.

  11. Jesus girl. Don't take on anything, apart from daily nutrition and serving your God, don'e let anything steal your joy.

  12. Good morning, Lovely lady. Hope your day improves. Sending hugs and love your way.

  13. I try to send positivity and even in heckles it may not (be) always taken that if I think it may be taken the wrong way I apologise...not always possible especially if I don't c it. It it is someone close after a while I may tell them...but absorb and try to move on...unless its done in malice and u usually know that (smile)...try and take it in the spirit.

    1. I am like you in my approach to heckling, in that I rarely take it personally. Often when it is from someone close it hurts, even when they don't mean it. I brought my story forward just for a bit of thinking because I believe that at times our heckling may come across disrespectfully and I think that is one of the reasons for the great anger one is seeing in our land these days.


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