Reply to 'A Conundrum'

Hi Folks,

Thanks so much to those who took the time to respond.  I love the comments and have published them on the blog site. The comments were varied from funny to purely clinical or should I use the word academic.  I appreciate them and am reserving them for when I really begin to seriously consider this option.  In the meantime, I have suggested that  collection of information begin by an approaching   the various government agencies that offer micro and small loans, training in business skills, etc.   It's time they begin to use their brains since at this time all I plan to do is give moral support.

Mother, one of my "boyfriends" has suggested that we try the week-end only and that seems "doable" since it would be a great test case.  Caryl, ah, Caryl if I were brave I would do it Trini style with "Lord Kitchener's" calypso in the background. LOL!  Although I do believe it is Slinger Francisco, the "Mighty Sparrow"  who sang 'Bo Ah Dem'

Please take note, I am not in love with any of them.  LOL!  

T, always knew we had a spiritual link "boyfriend" <chuckle>.  I am sticking with that name even if I do it alone, or a a catering service or producing a manufactured product.  Trini in Tucson, love you to death and always appreciate our delightful friendship so when next you visit Trinidad or maybe it will be Vancouver, I am making you a "The Boyfriends" sandwich.

I would like o see us start a good exchange of ideas on the business ventures that you may be thinking of starting  or in which you are involved.  Think about it and share at

Here we are in Trinidad and Tobago, in the middle of the dry season and it is HOT!  The bush fires have started on the Diego Martin hills for the morning so yet again I shall batten down the hatches to ensure that the smoke and ash and heat do not trigger an asthma attack.  This period was supposed to be my 2 weeks off to focus completely on my thesis instead I ended up with a severe flu accompanied by none other, than an 'ole people' hacking cough, infected and all!  Lord, I am snoring so hard since my nases are blocked, that I am waking myself up!  Don't laugh, I am scaring myself at night!  LOL!  Okay, laugh!  

Along with that, I keep on getting work from the office that is taking up many days. I am writing for a bit of compensation for these days of work.  With all that though the weather is fine, it's breezy and the ski is blue with beautiful fluffy white clouds each day that make you want to scream "BEACH" , pick up your towel and bathing suit and head to that beach - Las Cuevas, Blanchissuese, La Lune River, Macqueripe or good old Maracas Bay.  Let me tempt you with a few pictures.

Maracas Bay taken from

Las Cuevas beach, Trinidad and Tobago.  Photo copied from

Marianne River, Blanchisseuse, Trinidad just before it meets the sea.  Photo copied from

Have I tempted you enough?  Isn't it beautiful, the things that the Lord has made? 

Now don't be fooled by the placid waters of this Marianne River since when the currents of the river and ocean meet some have been known to die.  Nevertheless, it is a beautiful place to swim and the clear river waters allow the viewing of small fish and turtles.  I had a good time there, once upon a time: hopping from river to ocean quite easily.

I was admiring my orchids which once again are blooming and against this brilliant light that we are experiencing, looking more beautiful than the costumed individuals at Carnival time.  It occurred to me that even in the midst of darkness (the bush fires, the school violence, the ever-tightening economy, the high unemployment, my dog Feo who from time to time decides that he is looking too good and promptly puts himself on a diet and now looks like a true, true, pothoun', my total exhaustion being exhibited as painful hives,exzema and bone pain, trying to figure out how to work smart and not hard) there is always beauty to be found around us and often we do not have to look too far.   Yes my darling Feo is beautiful, even when he is pissed off at me for taking his picture. LOL!

A colleague's nephew committed suicide this week.  He was only 26 years of age, an officer in the US Navy and an engineer by training.  He has left behind 2 daughters, 3 years of age and 2 years of age.  I am told that he had marital problems.  Gone too soon.   Look around you folks, see the ashes (another human being suffering) and please  reach out to let those 'ashes' know that beauty can be found again.  That young man kept his troubles to himself and saw suicide as the only way to ease his pain.  There are many like him here in Trinidad and Tobago ( I only speak of what I know) who commit personal or domestic abuse to ease the pain.  I am sure that there may be some around you.  Please reach out folks, those of us who are older, wiser and have "been there" and may have wanted to "do that".    Be the orchid!

Got to go.  



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