February 2

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
An everlasting vision of the ever changing view
A wondrous woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold

Carole King - Tapestry Lyrics | Metro Lyrics 

Those are the words sung by Carole King that I listened to over and over when I was around 17.  Those words made me see life as o’ so beautiful and has been a strong “rope” in a sense, to which I have held on to as my life has progressed.  As I move through life with that allegory, I actually “see “that each new day with its varied experiences adds another thread to the tapestry called life.   I may cry one, day and laugh another but I have always kept in mind that my tapestry is being woven and in the end, it will be full of hues; full of depth. 

As I grow older, fewer threads of different colours are being added; the tapestry ages, taking on a richness of its own; a richness which often I do not see.  Now, threads are being broken, not deliberately as may occur when weaving but due to the passing of time.   Today, one of those threads broke.  Someone whom I have known since I was 9 years old died.  As often happens in a wonderful tapestry, he just snapped: he got a stroke and lingered for about 2 weeks being able to hear his family and loved ones, being able to squeeze their hand in response to their voices and today his body could take no more pain.

When I met him as a child, he was a young man, still in his teens and in the Royal Canadian Navy.  He and his family opened their hearts and home to my father and me.  From the very first night we arrived in Canada,  that happenstance meeting grew into a friendship and a love, so much so, that I consider him and his extended family as my family.  I in turn am considered as family by them.   

There are friends who you do not see for years but they remain your friend and Sid who was my father's friend had become my friend as I grew older.  I knew that when next we met, it would be as if we were not parted by land and sea for so many years.  Sid, gone to soon.  Rest in peace, dear friend.  Until we meet again.


  1. J

    I'm so sorry to read this how are you doing? ...Be well and know that while Sid has gone to his glory I am still here and loving my sister.

  2. I am so sorry. What a heartfelt tribute. Your writing rocks!!!!!!!
    Love ya

    1. Thanks Heather,

      Just talked with the Vancouver family and we consoled and laughed about Sid and our love for him. Thank God for our memories


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