Easter Sunday Musings

I am still at the stage of life where I wonder at the creation of life: how did this world form?  There must be other worlds, I won't be so arrogant as to believe that Earth is the only world.  How did the God, in which I believe create this world and for what purpose?  Why did he put me here, in this time, at this place?   Did my soul really choose this life?  Could it not have made a better selection  :/?  Yes, I am at the beginning.

Today, while waiting for the water, infused with bay leaf, cinnamon and ginger to come to boil and which I shall dump into  instant coffee (yes, there is the oddity of life I am talking about.  Here I am preparing  a healthy, cleansing formula that I shall ruin with coffee,  but I need instant energy to study, complete an assignment only to start another, pack yet another box and to keep on figuring out where I shall be living).  To continue, I did not think of the rising of Jesus Christ but began to imagine that day when Mary Magdelene would have gone to the tomb, seen that huge rock removed and be devastated because Jesus' body was not there!  What emotions must have played within her: fear, sadness, pain, devastation, perhaps.  As she broke the news to the others, what were their thoughts and feelings?  At the same time though while Mary and the others are in shock about this loss, the rest of the world is going on, completely unaware!    I imagine that those who at attended the crucifixation were watering their animals, checking their crops and taking care of their children.   Some would have probably discussed the day before and their opinion of this man called 'Jesus, the Christ' but overall, it most likely, was not a big deal for the majority.

That is what strikes me about life.  While we are living one thing, for example preparing our fine Easter lunch or dinner, another  is scrambling in a garbage heap for any scrap that would sustain.  While some may be checking a burgeoning bank balance,others have no money: the necessity for economic living.  While someone is all alone and lonely, we are surrounded by friends and family or we are alone and very, comfortable with our own company.  What is a big deal to one does not necessarily impact on others in the same way or at all!  As one of my readers commented on my Good Friday 2013 writing, it is a conundrum that in one Age He was considered an outlaw and was killed and in another Age, His death has been seen as victory for others for more than 2000 years!  See-saw, up and down, darkness and light.

I wonder what was our God thinking when he created His game?  Because I do see life as a God's great big Monolopy game and me as a pawn in His game.  This life is like circles within circles and I don't know if we ever come out with an answer.   Am I explaining myself well, I don't think so but what I have learnt  thus far from my conundrum is that I am not that important in the world scheme of things:  I ain't all that AND a bag of chips!  Ha! Ha!  My importance and my issues will fluctuate along that line of importance and unimportance, just like everyone else.

This wondering about the world and life and God/Spirit, call it what you may,what has it brought me?  Well upon more thinking, I would say, it has allowed me over the years to get over myself with my difficulties.  No, the difficulties are still here and I sometimes wonder why others (not difficulties but people) are not here with me but knowing that this darkness and light issue happens every day, has allowed me to start over each day and it  is also what has kept me compassionate.   I want to believe that I am making baby steps towards my understanding.

Are you at the beginning like me?  Do you wonder at your existence?  Share your thoughts through the comment box.  All love to you.  Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter!!!!

    I know its still being celebrated today in T/T as a Holiday. Oh how I miss those Monday holidays after the Sunday. While u guys are off here I go to labour. My only response will be who sent me.

    I've read all your articles and viewed the pics and I must say " Beautiful " Thank God he has designed us with that wonderful device called a Memory.

    Just as you think it's all bad someone ( like yourself ) comes along and put a smile on our faces. You take us back to the good old days.

    There is so much I can bring to mind but most of all I am Thankful that the good Lord placed me in this time and that I can enjoy life daily. Tough as it may be I do believe he allows some hard times so that once the good times roll around and they do we greatly appreciate it.

    Stay positive is just that for me weather with family, friends or by myself and I love it.

    Stay strong.

    Friend in Tucson, Arizona.

    P.S. Time to add " Beautiful " to your Reactions line.


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