Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Ha! Ha! Ha! How wonderful is my GOD. I cried out to HIM with tears and song and pleadings and humility and HE answered me.

What a tiring semester it had been. I poured what I could into my studies, feeling as if I was getting nowhere. My personal situation was dire. Money was running out and I had been given notice to quit my place of abode: my refuge! I finally found a short term position one month before exams and the learning curve was steep; immediate results were demanded of me.    Here it was the day of the exam and nothing concrete seemed to be in the mind.   In my distress I talked to GOD about my fear, the fact that I did not want to let 3 months of effort go to waste, the fact that my team had not passed the practical examination meant that I was going into the exam impoverished; our tower had collapsed and I was ashamed that our more than 100 hours of conception, designing, planning and practice had gone to nought due to inattentiveness the day of construction, that I recognized in this professor his desire for us to imbibe his joy of this course; his joy of learning. O’ I cried to my Lord, how many times had my cohort showed me the formulae but they weren’t sticking!

As I stood outside the exam room the nervousness was evident but as I walked towards the entrance, the words of Rihanna’s song entered my mind “Shine bright like a diamond, shine bright like a diamond”. And I added my own line “You’re beautiful just as you are”. What an odd thing I remembered thinking, that is not what I need at this time, but not even the stern faces and harsh voices of the invigilators stopped that feeling of near joy from flowing over me along with the cold hands and eyebrows raised to the scalp with apprehension! As I looked at the exam paper, no aha moment came instead I’ll give it a try moment came; I came to write and write I would! I pulled out all the knowledge of years of study and experience relating and interpreting to fit the questions, letting those thoughts flow into those written words, all the while humming “shine bright like a diamond”. Ha! Ha! at one point, I realized that an invigilator was staring at me with a strange but nevertheless stern face that is when I realized that I was actually dancing in my seat with legs raised a bit off the chair swinging up and down one leg at a time and then swaying from side to side, I completed knowing that I had not given up, that I had tried giving all that I had at that time. The formulaic questions the one with the extra marks I had not tackled but I tried.

December 24th my email box revealed a message from my professor telling us that we all had passed!  He had even taken the time to analyse and present the statistics on the percentiles!  How happy I felt for God letting me get through this. In the second week of January our individual marks were posted and there I saw my mark B+!   Not bad for a girl who was seeing failure. God had allowed me to shine bright like a diamond; all that fear was for nought. Joy and peace reigned; I jumped out of my chair in the office and danced to shine bright like a diamond as I thanked God.  Now I await the results of the other examinations.

Take a listen to Rihanna singing 'Diamonds (in the sky)'


  1. I am rejoicing with you. Stay high and let no one take your joy from you. This is your year to shine bright like a diamond. I'm happy that you have come to this point, things can only get better.


  2. Congrats and all the best on your 2013 ventures. Your year to Shine bright like a diamond.

    Roger, Tucson, Az.


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