
Showing posts from October, 2012

Wonder Wednesday

I am always in wonder at the fact that while you are going through troubles, life is tooling along, neither looking left nor right!

Thursday Thought

Image "Surround yourself with only people who  are going to lift you higher." ~ Oprah Winfrey  h ttps://


Yesterday, I was told my someone whom I respect and care for a lot, with all good intentions that I had too many things up in the air, that I was in fact wasting my time being in Trinidad and Tobago, that studying at my age would not make a significant dent in my career because I was too old to find work!  What a downer!  


Sometime recently, at the Sunday morning Mass, the priest spoke on the shepherd and the role of the shepherd's crook.

Breast Cancer Month

If  it is October then for some it’s Halloween, for others it’s Double Ten and for most of the world it’s Breast Cancer Month .  

Catching Up

O’ I have not been able to write for days!  That is not entirely true since I’m being kept busy with semester papers and projects.  Who sen' meh to go back to school?