Give Thanks
For what do you have to give thanks? What are the things that make you say thank-you with full meaning? Today is Thanksgiving Day as celebrated in the U. S. A. While we here in Trinidad and Tobago do not have such a celebration, some of us do enjoy this time of sharing with loved ones by taking the big bird in the sky to visit with relatives and friends. It's a great holiday, as far as I am concerned, because it literally makes you take the time out from your general 'bitchin' & and bitin' to consider what do you have that you love; what do you have that you value? It is in a sense an "I" holiday because you begin to think of yourself. It is in a sense a "THEM" holiday because you think of yourself in the context of others, so it becomes an "US'"holiday because it is all-inclusive. This is the time when you see people helping people. What a wonderful way to celebrate your gratitude! Today, I thank my God for: His Guardia...