
Showing posts from November, 2010

Give Thanks

For what do you have to give thanks?  What are the things that make you say thank-you with full meaning? Today is Thanksgiving Day as celebrated in the U. S. A.  While we here in Trinidad and Tobago do not have such a celebration, some of us do enjoy this time of sharing with loved ones by taking the big bird in the sky to visit with relatives and friends.  It's a great holiday, as far as I am concerned, because it literally makes you take the time out from your general 'bitchin' & and bitin' to consider what do you have that you love; what do you have that you value?  It is in a sense an "I" holiday because you begin to think of yourself.  It is in a sense a "THEM" holiday because you think of yourself in the context of others, so it becomes an "US'"holiday because it is all-inclusive.  This is the time when you see people helping people.  What a wonderful way to celebrate your gratitude! Today, I thank my God for: His Guardia...

Administrative Assistant Trainee

Heh people, I've started a new role.  My lawyer friend asked if I could hold on for a short while since her Administrative Assistant is on sick leave.  Now your girl has never been in such a position and before starting I was a bit concerned about things like personal space, since I must share office space with 4 other persons.  I also had to keep in mind that I no nothing about the processes involved in running a successful attorney's office, but I was excited about learning, so off I went. Well, it was a week.  It was a week!  It was a week!  The day before, Sunday that is was lousy because I was feeling so depressed.  But God stepped in and saved my life again.  As I turned on the television early that morning, He hit me with Joyce Meyer and her piece on overcoming depression - Psalm 42,43, Phillipians 4: 6-7, Thess 5: 18,19.  Then Roderick Meredith asked "The Purpose of Life" and he quoted Psalm 8: 3-9, Genesis 1:26-27, John 17. ...
Heh People, Another day has begun and so has my exercise programme.  I've gained 15 lbs and if you know me you know I cannot afford to gain 1!  So I am walking, beginning slowly or else I'd get turned off.  It's nice to be up and out early, today the sun was not out in all its glory, so it was a pleasant walk but yesterday!  Who send meh to walk at 10:00 a.m.?  That sun was hot and I was exhausted after just 20 minutes of walking so by the time I got home around noon, I was dead on my feet.  I was telling the Lord, if I felt so bad after a morning stroll in the rainy season,  He will have to help me lots, in the coming dry season. Could not find my passport on Monday but sure found lots of things that I did not even know I was missing.  This prompted me to begin to put things in a box for a give-away.  I mean to say, how many shampoos do I really need especially since my hair is above my chin?  Tell me, why do I have all those pairs ...

Apologies, Sympathies & The Week in Review

Hi people, It seems to me that last week just raced by so much so that I did not even realize that it had ended and I had not posted a thing!  Naughty me!  I'm sorry. I really got busy, plus I only had snippets of things to write about. Next, I've got to apologize to those who have tried to post comments with no luck.  Please continue to try while I continue to fiddle with it.  I did a test today and it worked.  Let me know if it still doesn't work with you.  Thank you peeps, for your suggestions on ways of making the writings more interesting. Last week was a kind of interesting you know.  First we had Tomas wrecking St. Lucia and other islands.  Have you viewed the devastation?  I am beginning to believe that God is a Trini!  I prayed for my roof to stay on and it  did.  Thank-you God.  Then we had the funeral of the sitting Prime Minister of Barbados, David Thompson.  My sympathy goes out to his family and ...