The lonely Number

Woke up thinking about the number 1. 

 No, not me but #1 and its importance; supreme, singular, unique!  It's not a prime number but it's primary in life. Its importance in computing cannot be denied, we live on one world only, most of us are of singular birth!  Yet, what cannot be refuted is our need for coupling; for community, for each other. One reaches out for one: we don't grow well without the other be he or she friend, in its many forms. I ask myself why?  Even the one Great Spirit has given us gifts and still seeks each of us out, for a union.  That's amazing to me!  Here we are, born alone, given all to survive as 1 but we each need each other, we yearn for each other, live and die lonely if we don't have each other, we shrivel if there's not another 1 to talk with, cry, laugh, hug, to build with, to care for and about 1. Our 1 earth dies when we think of only ME. And here's another paradox, if we don't do #ME FIRST (as another friend has coined), we cannot conjoin successfully!  If we cannot put me 1, in context of a situation we can rarely make a positive contribution!  Something to make my synapses explode and my brain to grow, this number 1.  Hmmn...things to muse about, eh?  You ever think about things like number 1?  
All alone


  1. Good morning, I used to think that I was unique in my train of thought at times. Interacting with you makes me realise that I am not alone in my thoughts. Yes I have thought about #1. Bible says even Jehovah himself looked down from heaven and speaking to the Word remarked while watching Adam walk through the garden, "it is not good for man to continue by himself." I'm paraphrasing here. The culmination was the creation of Eve. Also in Hebrews we are told, do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together. We are communal creations. We are not expected to be alone. Have you ever watched a movie you enjoyed and thought who could you share it with? Or looked at a bit of scenery and thought "wow!" "So and so would love this".
    We are imperceptibly linked one to another whether we wish to admit it or not. What I do has a rippling effect on you and others. Keep than in mind as you go about your day. Have a beautiful one sweetheart.

  2. so maybe this image of 1 as separate is nothing but an illusion we have bought into and a distortion of our Truth. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Therefore, there can be no separateness of being singular 1s when we are in Truth integral parts of Eternal Oneness (not Sameness), being made in the Image and Likeness of Our Creator. We are One with the magnificence of an Ever expanding Universe. I this this is pretty awesome.

  3. Good morning beautiful blessings, all I can say is "one love my sister". LOL!

  4. Good and one must be in its proper perspective because there would be chaos, as we often see. Reading this, I was reminded of Adam. The Word says he named all the animals and of each there was male and female. Adam did not notice that he did not have a partner. It was drawn to his attention and one was made for him.

    But I also reflected on the fact that in case of emergency, on a plane, you have to attend to yourself first before you can help someone else. One, I , me must be put in its proper perspective! Truly there is a time and place for everything! You have a great day!

  5. 'Good morning.
    Have a beautiful day!
    Blessing your day with abundant blessings of joy, love & the sweet smell of inspiration'.

    Sister, that is my response this morning

    1. What more can I ask for but being joined to you by this blessing, Patat

    2. You see what a contented person you are my darling Jinjin


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