Alphabet Praise

I am so glad to be back with you guys!  How are you?  So much (good, bad and indifferent) has happened since last we connected: way too much to go on about.  But I do want to go on about what delighted me today!

This morning I began repeating my version (unless the genuine one is in front of my face, I don't remember) of "The Consecration of the Room" by Mary Brewerton De Witt, when the Holy Spirit changed the tune. I began to praise God alphabetically and ended up with finding so many beautiful ways in which to describe my God; who He is to me, what He does for me and what He can do.  I actually ended up with a blissful peace and laughing! 

Now I'm sitting in my office not feeling physically well and cannot figure out why.  It came to me that I should recall my Alphabet Praise (can I copyright that title?) LOL and while I did not remember everyone, verbatim, I made my list.  Here it is!

My GOD is

Awesome & Abundant
Benevolent & Beautiful
Caring & Concerned
Delightful & Dutiful
Energizing & Everywhere
Faithful & Fruitful
Genuine & Gratuitous
Health & Harmony
Insightful &
Joy & Jubilation
Kind & Knowledge
Lovely & Loyal
Merciful & Mighty
Noble &
Original & Optimism
Peace & Protection
Quiet & Quickening
Restful & Relevant
Supreme & Soul
Truth & Transformational
Unique & Unconditional
Virtue & Victorious
Wonder & Worthy
Xenial & 
You & Yours
Zealous & 

So what do you think?  Do you have your own Alphabet Praise list.  Comment?  Share with me.  
O' yes, this is my morning view. 

PS:  Feeling better now.  Seems that I was hungry.  I ate. 😊😊😊


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