Reply to 'A Conundrum'
Hi Folks, Thanks so much to those who took the time to respond. I love the comments and have published them on the blog site. The comments were varied from funny to purely clinical or should I use the word academic. I appreciate them and am reserving them for when I really begin to seriously consider this option. In the meantime, I have suggested that collection of information begin by an approaching the various government agencies that offer micro and small loans, training in business skills, etc. It's time they begin to use their brains since at this time all I plan to do is give moral support. Mother, one of my "boyfriends" has suggested that we try the week-end only and that seems "doable" since it would be a great test case. Caryl, ah, Caryl if I were brave I would do it Trini style with "Lord Kitchener's" calypso in the background. LOL! Although I do believe it is Slinger Francisco, the "Mighty Sparrow" who s...