The Gift

In this lousy, stinking job that I have there is no vacation, no kind of leave at all, no money equivalent to the work performance and definitely no power.  I have absolutely no power nor do I get a great deal of respect from my superiors.  That part I understand since old style human resource management is still practised  in this realm.  I am just one of the working poor who work to survive and any change in the future is a far-off goal.  I work, I feel tired and unhappy and most of all I never see the result of my input in any output or outcome. Frustration can set in.  Often the output takes so long to achieve that I feel as if I am carrying the weight of the clients passion, especially when they have lost hope in truly getting good service from the public sector.  I feel badly at times when another Fiscal quarter comes along and no significant output can be recorded, not due to any lack on my part.  

Today, I visited a site and after the bidders left the client insisted on speaking with me alone behind closed doors.  Behind those doors she presented me with a small gift, made by her!  She wanted to thank me for the effort me and the rest of the team have been putting into trying to get the project off the ground.  She has nothing to gain from her act because as I told you I have no power.  The gift has little monetary value but the value to me was in her gesture.  She appreciated that I was doing my best. It isn't often that I am spiritually humbled by actions occurring on my job.  She gave me a gift today because she made me know that the fight is not mine alone.  My soldierly acts are recognized.  I honour her act of kindness.

 Maybe, I am not wasting my time?   



  1. As tough as your story sounds Keep remembering results do come to us in ways never imagine I certainly believe you will be rewarded soon While it is easy for me to say don't let anger get the better of you Please don't Keep looking up Keep holding on The best is yet to come Stay strong

    Friend in Tucson Az

  2. Allo Jeannelle:

    No work done in good faith, with the best that one can give is ever wasted. Look at the tall buildings in most cities, e.g. The Roman Catholic Cathedral in Marine Square--One would have expected it to lean or fall after all these years. But the planners and builders put all their best efforts into it. If any of their descendants pass by today, they can hold their heads up with pride. Even book authors have to present their creations for editing before they can be published. Remember, it is better( psychologically ) to have a little than a lot. So thank God, hold your nose and do your best. Have a happy successful 2014. Talk to you later. M


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