
Showing posts from October, 2013


Image Sometimes, I sit and simply chuckle at things in my life.  Here it is, in my “old age” men want me!  Me, who for years saw no physical or mental attraction in me.    Heh, it couldn’t get better than this!  Yeh, I think it can.  Now here is the story.  


Add caption My, my, my the US lockdown is affecting me!  I certainly thought that if I had to feel the effects of this federal funding shutdown it would be later; down, the pike, so to speak, when the closure begins to affect the TnT economy.  Here I am on a roll, searching for various perspectives related to the work of my Final Paper AND  the U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is CLOSED FOR BUSINESS! Now I am writing this "tongue in cheek" since I can live without whatever information the NIST has BUT I better understand the plight of the citizenry of the USA.  Somebody needs to close the bank on those folks in the US Senate just as they have closed the bank on the citizens they serve. Heh, remember this blog is always OPEN FOR COMMENTS! Until,

Wonderful Wednesday!

I am so happy that's its Wednesday so much so I am naming it Wonderful Wednesday!   Now I really shouldn't be so happy that the week is almost over because it means that I have less time to write this Final Report but... I'm happy that the work week is almost over! Yippee!

Thoughts on a Tuesday

Image Today is my day to read and write this Final Report and I am doing a little bit of reading, no writing and plenty thinking about things other than the Final Report.  I am worrying about a friend whose cell phones have been turned off for a couple of days, is he okay?  Also wondering why am I so tired, washed my bedsheets this morning and now thinking of you guys  so decided to chat.

I Don't Want to Bore You

I don't want to bore you with me but I love ya, I love you, I looove you!

Coconut Oil

You do get some good things out of bad situations.   I met good people and I have been blessed with no major illnesses.  I also found coconut oil.  I am in love with coconut oil!  When I was growing up I would hear of food cooked with the oil of the coconut and I would smell its rancidity in the hair of some people.  Then as I grew older, there came this mass of marketing that stated that coconut oil was bad.  Lots of cholesterol it would say.  I never believed it because I truly believe that God has put good things in every corner of the world for we human beings to use.  I would sit in child-like wonder and ask myself "why would God put only good things in the northern clime?"  I would conclude that we just did not know about the good things that were indeed right here in my little land of Trinidad and Tobago.  Plus, I could look around Trinidad and see old Indian ladies,in their odanis or as we call it ohrini (my spelling may be inc...