
Showing posts from April, 2013

It's Funny Friday...I'm allowed

U know how 1 ting, 1 ackshun, can mek yuh feel a particular way?  Well today, I put on my old lady panties and ah feelin' old!  You know those panties dat does start at yuh true, true, wais', narrow yuh hips, wrap 'roun' de top of yuh leg and grip de cheeks into one tight ball?  Awful! An' somehow de makin' meh feel like a ole lady!  Ha! Ha!  An' because ah not straight, all de roun'ness of meh body in a different space,snug, snug, snug, like ole ladies use to look when ah was small.  No, no, de ting not too tight cuz I hate tight-fittin' cloze,  a tight shoes, tight pantie, tight bra and tight man (wid he money, ah mean) is not fuh me atall!   Men, do tell me yuh doh know nuttin' bout dat!  Yuh wife does wear dem sometimes, when she have to wear dat skurt dat does fit right on she wais' .  eh, heh, ah see yuh rememberin'.  Well some ah allyuh eh have to 'member cuz yuh pants does be way too tight at times! Some ah allyuh does ha...


Taken from Trinidad Guardian, March 2013  Here is the ad I mentioned in a previous writing.  Hope you can read it (take our the magnifying glass, if you can't).  For me, the advertising firm, Ross Advertising can win the Happiness Award!   I started  internet searching  using the word, happiness,  about 4 years ago  when I was at a low ebb and  boy can you ever find variations on a theme!   Some are seeking to build a better society, while others point to individual happiness. What we perceive as happiness is as varied as all other things God has made. It's interesting, this thing happiness, that we all seek and it seems it comes through the incremental things we do.  For some people it is found in hard work or having money in the bank, the smell of a baby, your pet coming to greet you, standing on a podium giving a speech,liming with the boys, the smell that comes out of the hot earth as the rain beats down, the delight in a...

Merci, Tanks, Grassias

It was so nice to receive responses on my Easter musings!  I really like knowing that you do indeed read and enjoy.    It was especially nice to get the cards.  The love flowed between us...don't you think?