
Showing posts from 2016


This is unedited and only has a working title.    Wrote it to remove the sadness.  I don't know if this would  be called poetry but I speak it, then it sounds beautiful!   Tell me what you think. If I'd been told I Was angry with you I'd have said, NO!


This morning I awoke knowing that I am free!

Sunday February 14, 2016

Today marks the first Sunday in the Christian calender of Lent. Today is also Valentine's Day.  Both the Christian and secular calenders coincide today to speak of love.    I can't say that this day is one which holds significance for me on both counts.  I did appreciate, once upon a time, Valentine's Day  -  in the middle of a drab winter, it certainly perked up the spirits. If I really have to reflect on why this Sunday in 2016 is significant to me it's probably because as Jesus started His fast, I believe, He took on 'human-ness', fasted in the desert so as to understand me better and to save me and as I go through the trials that life brings, I can know that with steadfastness, I will come out of each and every situation spiritually and emotionally stronger.   Early this morning, I began thinking on this love day, and not having a love myself, I found I was becoming a bit uncomfortable since Valentine's Day really  "ain't no bi...

As She Forgets

Called her last night and she said she hadn't heard from me in ages.  I reminded her that I'd called for her birthday 2 weeks previously.   Then, I thought, perhaps her concept of 'ages' has changed since she spends so much time alone.  I asked if she'd taken her meds.  She'd taken them in the morning thanked me for mentioning since she'd forgotten the evening dosages.   A friend of my cousin's visited that day and for her the pleasure of the visit ceased early since, as she related, they had little in common, she couldn't remember whether the child with the woman was that woman's first or last.   She didn't want to ask as she did not want her not remembering to be the subject of gossip.   The woman didn't know when to go she said, irritably.  I asked, "are you bored because you're forgetting or forgetting because you're bored?"  She says, "50-50".   Deep silence that turns to the dead air of the phone. ...