The Way To A ________Heart?
Those who know me know that I am a lover at heart. Yes, I love to love and sometimes that means I love foolishly. Sometimes, I don't even love them and they think I love them when all I am doing is being kind. I have recognized that a lot of men think you love them: want to have sex with them, simply because you share a plate of food with them. Boys...I don't. With that said, I do believe that food is a love thing and that many of us have good memories surrounding food. We cuddle at our mothers' breast drinking life-sustaining milk. We celebrate life and death and in-between with food. The 'breaking of bread' with someone is an act of trust for me. For the past year I've been toying with the idea of relating stories of love and associating them with a particular food. I want to relate the stories of ordinary people like myself, their tales of love, be it platonic, romantic, or agape' love. So for example, my ...